Isah’s approach to the ERP selection process
Are you a manufacturing company and are you interested in a ERP software solutions from Isah? We like to get in touch with you. Our approach has a series of steps so you can make an informed choice for your company.

Introduction meeting
For the first introduction, we like to visit your office and/or production facilities so we can form a good picture of your company.
During the introduction meeting, we like to hear from you how processes are set, what processes you have automated and what ambitions are in this area. Based on this information, we derive priorities, requirements, wishes and goals. Furthermore, we assess whether there is a good match with Isah software and our approach.
For some manufacturing companies, it can be interesting to hear what kind of experience we have at similar companies or branches. In some instances, we already show some features of the software. Of course this is possible!
A more in-depth demonstration is planned in a follow-up meeting. After all, we find it important to model the demonstration based on the needs and requirements of your company.

When after the introduction meeting both you and Isah are enthusiastic to further explore a cooperation, we will schedule a demonstration. The demonstration will take between a half to a full day.
A demonstration is always aimed at show Isah's integral solution. The goal is to show not only what the Isah software can do and what it looks like, but we especially to show how you can automate the various processes within your manufacturing company and what you can achieve and expect with an ERP implementation.
We will show the features of various components of the Isah solution and share best practices and experiences from other Isah customers with you.

In-depth session
Usually, a demonstration raises all kinds of questions. When you take a more in-depth look at the Isah software and it is a part of a shortlist with several other parties, both a practical and commercial track are started.
In terms of content, there is often a need to delve deeper into certain processes within your manufacturing organization. Often colleagues from other departments of your company join the table. During one or more in-depth sessions, components of the Isah solution are discussed in forther detail. For example, a session on financial processes or integration with another application. The purpose of the in-depth sessions is to justify the choice of Isah and get a good understanding of the possibilities.

Quote process
Simultaneously with the deep dive process is often the quote process.
Many companies want to know early on what the Isah solution will cost. It is often difficult to give an indication at the front because it depends on several factors. We can give a rough indication based on key figures and our experience with other similar Isah customers. Based on further needs and prioritization of issues, we can globally determine the scope of the ERP project and make an initial offer. When the project and implementation are final and there is a project plan, the project budget will follow.
After the in-depth sessions and a successful quotation process, you make an agreement in principle for Isah. Sometimes a little extra confirmation is needed. This can be in the form of a proof of concept or a reference visit. These steps are optional and will be completed at the time your company needs them.

Proof of Concept
A Proof of Concept is when a manufacturing company asks Isah to demonstrate how Isah software can work for them. The more complex the business processes are, the more often we see a need for this. Sometimes it has to do with the level of professionalism and whether a consultant is involved of not in the process.
Since a good Proof of Concept requires a substantial amount of preparation time, we plan the Proof of Concept after the customer has made a agreement in principle for Isah. A consultant is often already involved during the Proof of Concept to ensure a smooth transition for the implementation. The Proof of Concept is intended as a confirmation that Isah will work for your company, both functionally and in terms of content.

Contract and start-up phase
Once the agreement in principle is made, the contracts are drawn up. Legally and commercially everything is finalized and signed. A formal moment, but you are not committed to anything yet! Then we move into the start-up phase of the implementation process. After this phase there is a go/no-go moment and you decided whether to start implementing.

Proof of Concept
A Proof of Concept is when a manufacturing company asks Isah to demonstrate how Isah software can work for them. The more complex the business processes are, the more often we see a need for this. Sometimes it has to do with the level of professionalism and whether a consultant is involved of not in the process.
Since a good Proof of Concept requires a substantial amount of preparation time, we plan the Proof of Concept after the customer has made a agreement in principle for Isah. A consultant is often already involved during the Proof of Concept to ensure a smooth transition for the implementation. The Proof of Concept is intended as a confirmation that Isah will work for your company, both functionally and in terms of content.

Read more about how to work efficiently with Isah's ERP software.
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